🐍 House Slytherin v.2 *Harry Potter Series🏰🔮⚡️🧙♂️
🐍 House Slytherin v.2 *Harry Potter Series🏰🔮⚡️🧙♂️
Regular price
$79.20 SGD
Regular price
$99.00 SGD
Sale price
$79.20 SGD
Unit price
🐍 House Slytherin - Ambitious, cunning, and resourceful! 🐍💚
- Seraphinite - Awaken your inner wisdom and intuition. ✨🌿
- Green Lepidolite - Foster emotional balance and tranquility. 💚🌙
- Obsidian - Ward off negativity and enhance inner strength. 🌑🛡️
- Raw Black Tourmaline - Protect your energy and ground yourself. 🌑🌟